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Art Impact Project is a non-profit organization in the Chicago area dedicated to enhancing emotional wellness through creative expression.
Our programming is specifically curated for each population we serve from middle school students to senior citizens. We offer over 100 specifically designed projects with clear objectives – such as increasing positive self-awareness, building confidence, and promoting empathy for others. Our partnerships with schools, drug and alcohol treatment programs, libraries, and many more community service spaces served over 1,500 teens and 200 adults in 2023 alone.

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Make an Impact in Your Community!

Our site partnerships are growing faster than we can keep up and we need more volunteer Art Advocates to support our programming! We’re working in several area schools and community organizations – would you like to join us? Reach out to Cassandra, our Manager of Programming to learn more about volunteering with us.

You do not need to be an expert artist and the commitment is very individualized. Join our program and become an Art Advocate Volunteer today!

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Combining art-making, encouragement, and non-judgemental support.


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3 days ago

We hope you give (and get) a lot of hugs today!!!

As author and family therapist Virginia Satir once said, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth”.

And have you heard of the eight second hug theory?
The 8-second hug theory is the idea that hugging someone for at least eight seconds releases oxytocin, which can reduce stress and improve well-being!

#getyourhugon #NationalHuggingDay #twelvehugsaday #eightsecondhug
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5 days ago
We hope you give (and get) a lot of hugs today!!!  

As author and family therapist Virginia Satir once said, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth”.

And have you heard of the eight second hug theory?  
The 8-second hug theory is the idea that hugging someone for at least eight seconds releases oxytocin, which can reduce stress and improve well-being!

#getyourhugon #NationalHuggingDay #twelvehugsaday #eightsecondhug

This will keep you warm on this frightening cold day! Our Knitting Communities Together group has been busy! This is just a small sample of all the beautiful hats and scarves they've knitted and crocheted to donate. Our first batch of 72 hats and 22 scarves are on their way to The Night Ministry! If you'd like more information on how to join KCT you can contact our Manager of programming, Cassandra, through our website: www.artimpactproject.org/contact/ ... See MoreSee Less

5 days ago
This will keep you warm on this frightening cold day!  Our Knitting Communities Together group has been busy!  This is just a small sample of all the beautiful hats and scarves theyve knitted and crocheted to donate.  Our first batch of 72 hats and 22 scarves are on their way to The Night Ministry!  If youd like more information on how to join KCT you can contact our Manager of programming, Cassandra, through our website: https://www.artimpactproject.org/contact/Image attachment

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Just a reminder, all of our programming for today is cancelled due to the negative temps! ... See MoreSee Less

5 days ago

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6 days ago

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1 week ago